Riccardo Audisio

Riccardo Audisio


Dr Riccardo A. Audisio was born in Milan, Italy, where he completed his High School at the Istituto Leone XIII in 1975. He graduated in Padua in Medicine & Surgery (1980) and specialised in General Surgery at the University of Verona (1985) as well as in Diagnostic Radiology at the University of Milan (1994).

Trained at the National Cancer Institute of Milan (1980-94) he was appointed deputy director at the Department of General Surgery, European Institute of Oncology, Oncology [https://www.oncopedia.wiki/research-centres/european-institute-of-oncology] Milan (1994-8). In 1999 he became Consultant Surgical Oncologist and Honorary Professor at the University of Liverpool, UK. As of February 2018 he is Professor at the Institute of Clinical Sciences, University of Göteborg, Sweden. Dr Riccardo A. Audisio is currently professor of surgery at the Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per la Cura dei Tumori in Faenza, Italy.

Past Editor of Surgical Oncology, Elsevier Publisher (2007-13) he is Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Surgical Oncology (2013-present). Author of 290 peer-reviewed publications and 47 book chapters, Professor Audisio edited 23 book projects and is gut reviewer to 39 international scientific Journals.

Professor Audisio is past-president of SIOG (International Society of Geriatric Oncology), BASO (British Association of Surgical Oncology) and ESSO (European Society of Surgical Oncology). He served as an advisor to the Department of Health, UK and to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Breast Cancer in Older Women. Professor Audisio sat on the Board of Directors of ECCO, the European CanCer Organisation. He is past-chair of the Education & Training Committee of ESSO. Professor Audisio chairs the Surgical Oncology track at the Global Health Catalyst, Harvard Medical School.

His clinical research focuses on Geriatric Oncology, Breast Cancer, Education/Certification in Surgical Oncology and the optimisation of Surgical Oncology in L/MICs. He is credited con the development of the Preoperative Assessment of Cancer in the Elderly (PACE) that combines the geriatric assessment and l’ASA and was adopted internationally

He was assigned the Calabresi award by SIOG, the ESSO award in 2011 and an honorary Ph.D. from the university of Crete School of Medicine in 2017.

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