Pierre Soubeyran

Pierre Soubeyran


Dr Pierre Soubeyran is a Medical Oncologist at Institut Bergonié, Comprehensive Cancer Center in Bordeaux, and Professor of Medical Oncology at the University of Bordeaux. He earned his Medical Degree from the University of Nantes in France and trained in Medical Oncology at the Institut Bergonié and University of Bordeaux. He completed a fellowship at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and later obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Bordeaux. He is a member of ESMO, ASCO, ASH, SoFOG and SIOG.

He is highly involved in the development of Geriatric Oncology at both the clinical and research level (current President the Scientific Council of the French Society of Geriatric Oncology (SoFOG) and Co-coordinator of the French Geriatric Oncology Cooperative Inter Group DIALOG). He is also involved in cancer research as Director of the U1218 Inserm Cancer research unit and Director of the Center for Integrated Cancer Research of Bordeaux) which includes an interdisciplinary geriatric oncology programme which he leads.

He chaired multiple trials including some in geriatric oncology at the international level (EORTC phase II 20992) or national (LYSA randomised phase II FRAIL06, INCa ONCODAGE cohort, INCa ongoing phase III PREPARE). This led notably to the development, of the G8 screening questionnaire. He has authored and co-authored numerous articles, book chapters and monographs on various aspects of cancer treatment and especially geriatric oncology.

He was granted the Paul Calabresi Award from the International Society pf Geriatric Oncology in 2012, the BJ Kennedy Award from the American Society of Clinical Oncology in 2016 and the Ehrenpreis geriatrische onkologie für das lebenswerk from the German societies of Oncology and Geriatry in 2017. He is foreign member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium since 2020.

He has contributing since the beginning to the SIOG Advanced Course of Geriatric Oncology each year in Treviso and is now chairing the European H2020-granted project GerOnTe to improve the management of multimorbid older patients.

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