Luigi Solbiati
- Year of birth: 1952
Luigi Solbiati was Head of the Division of Interventional Oncologic Radiology (2010-2015) at the Ospedale of Busto Arsizio. Since 2015 he is Professor of Radiology and Consultant of Interventional Radiology at Humanitas University and Humanitas Research Hospital in Milan, respectively. He proposed an innovative method for the treatment of liver neoplasms.
In 2014 he received the Academic Qualification of Full Professor of Radiology.
He published 196 original articles in peer -reviewed journals as of yet, 167 of them indexed. In addition, he published 62 chapters in textbooks of Radiology, Interventional Radiology and Oncology, and was Editor and Author of 12 books on small-parts sonography, contrast-enhanced sonography and ablative therapies, 5 of them for international publishers in English.